A night in the Utopik

Publié le par L. Eliot

reading by Microsoft Sam
music : sketch1 by Nick Drake

The night falls down on Ste Catherine St.
From the window I survey
The swarm crowding at the station
The city lights are blinding eyes
Here come the teenies and the gays

The night is sweet, the boys are young
The beers are cold and cheap
I stand alone, wait for a while
For something criminal
Coming among the desperates and the gays

I won’t last long beside your arms
That you have big and strong
You smell of face powder and pain
You glide like a dolphin
Bathing for the whores and gays

-    How old are you, my little one?
-    I started getting moves at 8.
My beer is cold, my lips are blue
Let’s go back home and
Croon along about the ladies and the gays

Publié dans L'automne académique

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